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Femur Fracture Fixation with Intramedullary Rod



This surgical procedure stabilizes severe fractures of the femur by placing a metal rod into the center of the femur.


The patient is positioned so that the side of the thigh is clearly visible to the physician, and the area is cleaned and sterilized. An IV is administered for general anesthesia.

Accessing the Femur

An incision is made on the side of the hip to allow access to the top of the femur. If the fracture has shifted a part of the femur, the bones are realigned.

Inserting the Rod

An intramedullary rod is inserted into the top of the femur and guided down through the fracture site and into the bottom portion of the bone. Surgical screws are inserted into the top end of the femur, through the rod and into the femoral head to secure the rod. Surgical screws are then typically placed into the bottom end of the femur and through the rod.

End of Procedure

The incision is closed with sutures or surgical staples. A bandage is applied. Depending on the nature of the fracture, some patients are allowed to put weight on the leg immediately, while others may not be able to put their full weight on the leg for four to six weeks.

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Schofield, Hand and Bright Orthopaedics
1950 Arlington Street, Suite #111
Sarasota, FL 34239
Phone: 941-921-2600
Fax: 941-925-8672

Office Hours

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